How to disable wordpress rich editor to all users?

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How to disable wordpress rich editor?

In this article, we will describe 2 notes on how to set up if you do not use the visual rich editor.
"How to set from the user profile management screen" and "How to set up additional code to function.php"

How to configure that do not use the visual rich editor from user profile management screen

Go to the profile page in the procedure of "User > User list > User name you want to change"
In case users of your own, "User > Your profile".

And put a check in the "Disables the visual editor when writing".



You should consider whether checked also "show toolbar when viewing sites".

how to configure that do not use the visual rich editor by adding code to function.php

Insert the following code in the function.php of the theme file.

When you insert the following code (filter hook), it can not be selected in the visual rich editor(not displayed) in the article posted screen of all users.

/*** hide Visual rich editor ***/
add_filter('user_can_richedit' , create_function('' , 'return false;') , 50);

Kuniyoshi Takemoto is the founder of LLC, and editor of this blog( more and follow me on LinkedIn.