pandas:How to get int by subtract timedelta64[ns] time inside MultiIndex

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By using python and pandas, I wrote sample code how to get int value by subtract timedelta64[ns] time inside MultiIndex.

import pandas as pd

# sample data
data = [

# create dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, columns=['id','date','val'])
   id        date   val
0   1  2023-03-28  7508
1   1  2023-03-30  7600
2   2  2023-06-18  9568
3   2  2023-06-30  9586
4   3  2023-07-10  7507
5   3  2023-07-20  7520

# transform to timedelta64[ns]
print(df['date'].dtypes) # object
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
print(df['date'].dtypes) # datetime64[ns]

# create MultiIndex
df_mulindex = df.set_index(['id','date'])
id date
1  2023-03-28  7508
   2023-03-30  7600
2  2023-06-18  9568
   2023-06-30  9586
3  2023-07-10  7507
   2023-07-20  7520

# get int by subtract timedelta64[ns] time inside MultiIndex
print(df_mulindex.groupby('id').apply(lambda x: x.index[1][1]-x.index[0][1]).dt.days) # timedelta64[ns] to int
1     2
2    12
3    10
dtype: int64

Kuniyoshi Takemoto is the founder of LLC, and editor of this blog( more and follow me on LinkedIn.