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WordPress database error: [Table ‘wp_redirection_404’ already exists]

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Solution of WordPress database error: [Table 'wp_redirection_404' already exists]

Situation of error

wordpress ver3.8
Redirection ver2.3.4

When I have updated to wordpress3.8, error code such as the following was displayed.

WordPress database error: [Table 'wp_redirection_404' already exists]

CREATE TABLE wp_cni_redirection_404 ( id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created datetime NOT NULL, url varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', agent varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, referrer varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, ip int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY created (created), KEY url (url), KEY ip (ip,id), KEY referrer (referrer) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8;

Redirection plug-in did not correspond only to "wordpress ver3.7.1" at the moment when I checked on the official website.

But, in place at the bottom right of the plug-in page(please refer to the image below), there is a review of voting version of the plug-in and wordpress.

There is also a combination of a site "wordpress ver3.8" is no problem, it could not be determined Redirection whether the cause of the error.


How to deal with error

By looking for the contents of the error, did not have a little information.
However, you can "hide" the error that you write the following in the CSS of the theme file.

.wpdberror { display:none; }

Page used for Reference:

As a result ...

As a result, the error is no longer out to clear all cache, if you re-install the latest version of the Redirection plug-in.
Compatibility before you updated the "wordpress ver3.8" and "Redirection" might went wrong.